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What can be done here?

Ok, here is a blog seeking scholars, intelligent folks, educated ones, Doctors of Theology, biblical theologians, and children of the Highest to give your insight, knowledge, and /or prophetic voice, maybe even opinion, if that's all you have! There is a situation that has come to my knowledge; a family-homeless and separated! Substance abuse is highly-likely; what can be done!

Due to the extenuating circumstances, there is no stable employment. Drugs usage is a probable factor, here.

  • How does one help them, without experiencing "a fish and the leaves situation?"

  • When does one draw the line? Or do they?

What is your insight on this matter? Share it!

NOTE: Situations may or may not be actual scenarios, but may be to provoke thought.

Also, you must subscribe to the site, and be approved before you can comment. Sorry... beyond my control, but I want to hear your thoughts.

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