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“Don’t Get It Twisted!”

Sometimes, we see things that speak to our person, and we take a position toward what we saw without knowing the facts. We misjudge intentions and motives, when we feel that someone "stepped on our toes!" Why? Aren't we supposed to count up the cost, ask questions about what poses a conflict or is supposedly against us, per se? Then, why do we automatically pose an attitude about what we are unsure of? Was our names indicated? Was it specifically implied what we saw had to do with us? Were we exposed in some fashion or another? Is our own guilt disturbing to us? Which is it? We have to make sure that we are not jumping to conclusions, or judging a matter prematurely.

Life is similar? There are many scenarios that resemble ours... don't get bent out of shape by the similarities. Be sure it was directed at you before a conclusion is drawn. I'm just saying. Even reading this... who am I talking about? Remember, I'm the writer... you just be the reader with certainty NOT to over-analyze and misapply. Allow God to speak to your heart - giving you understanding concerning every situation. ...And that goes for me too!

The Bible tells us to get an understanding. There is always a reason for a thing!! Know what that is!

I'm just saying...

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